
I love the Rice Super Immune Quickstart! I personally use it daily & it has been the best supplement I’ve found to maintain my energy. I also use it for my patients & particularly for those with gut problems, food allergies & chronic fatigue.
Christa O’Leary, DO
Fredricksburg, TX
My Success Story at the Nevada Center

When I came to see Dr. Shallenberger, I had been recently diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. My neurologist told me with my history of symptoms, I had probably had it for about 15 years or more. My symptoms included extreme fatigue, not being able to stay awake even when working, various short=term pains or numbness, inability to express my thoughts – stuttering, loss of words, and inability to focus on a given task. All of these contributed to depression and despair.

I was prescribed an MS drug, which I was told would not cure it but slow ti down. I had a severe adverse reaction to the drug. I asked my chiropractor if she knew of another way to deal with the MS, and she recommended the Nevada Center.

Dr Shallenberger recommended MAH treatments, specific supplements, and removal of the silver fillings in my teeth.

After doing all he suggested over the course of 9 months, I feel great! I can think! My ability to find words and communicate in a normal cadence is back. Playing tennis is a joy again not a struggle to focus. My brain MRI amazed my neurologist. I do not fall asleep at my computer and am happy to be active again.

Dr. Shallenberger, Art Paniagua, Dr. Hanson and ALL of the staff are wonderful, optimistic, helpful and caring! I know whenever I go to the clinic, someone will care about how I am feeling and will help me get to a better state of health. God has indeed blessed my life directing me here!
Joan L.
Reno, NV
The professional and personal care at Dr. Shallenberger’s Nevada Center was amazing. Dr. Shallenberger’s extensive experience coupled with a sincere listening ear to our individual personal research was especially refreshing and comforting.

The personal investment and interest of Dr. Shallenberger and ALL staff was outstanding. Although thousands of miles away from home, this immediately became our new home and we knew we were in the right place.

Care was administered with the highest level of professionalism and our personal care was treated with equal attention. We arrived a stranger in very poor health and left in significantly improved health with many new friends from staff members to fellow patients.

Although a trying time it was a rewarding experience.

Kevin & Nancy
Toronto, Ontario Canada
I am a 70 year old male and have been using Dr. Shallenberger’s Super Immune QuickStart products two times a day for almost two years. It is absolutely the finest dietary supplement that I have used and fully lives up to its promises to enhance optimum energy production and promote health.

While using QuickStart, I have lost twenty pounds and am able to maintain a wonderful energy level for all daily activities.

Thank you for a product which lives up to its promise and exceeds all my expectations.

Thank You and Happy New Year to All,
Andris K.

On Sept. 15, 2015, we had an appointment with Dr. Shallenberger for my husband Lewis Nagel who had been diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2014.

He only tried the “standard” protocol of meds for Parkinson’s for one month and got worse–besides getting a pinched sciatic nerve (possibly from exercises he had been advised to do). He also stuttered very badly and got very frustrated as well as had severe anxiety.

I pushed him through the airport-he couldn’t walk far on his own, and needed crutches or a walker to get around. He was unable to drive, was not sleeping at night, and had severe pain due to his pinched nerve. We were so glad to finally have an appointment after a several month wait.

Immediately Dr. Shallenberger switched my husband to his amino acid therapy, gave him something to sleep better, and gave him several injections of prolozone for his pinched nerve.

Upon returning home, my husband was able to walk through the airport at the luggage pickup place. Our neighbor who picked us up was very surprised. She asked, “Is that Lewis in there walking in the airport?”

We returned back to our home in about a week and slowly my husband began to get better! He was finally able to sleep. His pinched nerve got better and 2 months after he started on the amino acid therapy, he renewed his driver’s license. His flat effect (no expression on his face) reversed and his walking and posture continued to improve. His anxiety went away and he even does stationary bicycle and walks on the treadmill. Last Saturday afternoon, we went for a hike with our church members. My husband was able to walk the whole 5 mile hike which was up and down Pacific Coast Trail in Palm Springs totaling 4 hours.

We praise the Lord for Lewis’ great improvement and are thankful that Lewis’ brother Charles had received Dr. Shallenberger’s health reports and subsequently told us about The Nevada Center. I have gotten my husband back and our child has gotten his dad back.

God Bless,
Marsha and Lewis Nagel

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