Dr. Shallenberger Saved My Life!

Dr. Shallenberger saved my life!

I was the poster boy of good health throughout my life amongst family and friends. Then, my health eco-system collapsed in early 2018; the seriousness and speed of the collapse was shocking.

 It all started with a bladder cancer diagnosis on March 27th and then ataxia set in on June 21st followed by peripheral neuropathy August 16th– with tingling at the tips of toes and fingers–which got worse each day, ascending to the thighs by the end of October– I was within a day or two of not making it. The neurologists in Vancouver had given me an IV Immune globulin injection (which was in-effective) and conventionally did not have any more ‘arrows in their quiver’. I was able with a cane and curb to curb wheelchair assistance to make it to the Shallenberger clinic Oct 29th.  The person who picked me up at the Reno airport came to see me later in December and said that, ‘he did not think I would make it through that first night’; he also said, ‘that of all the people he has transported, he had never seen anyone so weak’.

I had submitted a one page summary of my health history for 2018 to Dr.  Shallenberger and completed a comprehensive form of my long term health history. Also, I did the passive part of Dr. Shallenberger’s Bio-Energy test (I was incapable of doing the active portion). I then met with Dr.Shallenberger, and by the end of the consultation, Dr. Shallenberger developed an ‘Action Plan’ which was immediately implemented.  After 4 days of treatments at the Shallenberger clinic the first week of November, the nerve damage which had progressed to the thigh had stopped and nerve regeneration could begin. The key elements of the protocol included IV’s: ozonating my blood daily (increased to 2.5 L); glutathione and high dose vitamin C plus some key supplements.  Dr. Shallenberger is not a ‘command and control’ person; he welcomes questions and discussion.

This was terrific progress for me and I was able to throw out my cane and begin walking carefully in December. However, a terrible rash broke out at the end of November and over a 2-week period covered my whole body from the top of my head to my feet (including my palms). A heavy metals test–which I received around December 10th–indicated a disaster for lead, mercury, arsenic and porphyrins. So, my protocol which was originally for the peripheral neuropathy was adjusted to include chelation of the heavy metals. Dr. Shallenberger said that potentially the heavy metals toxicity was the cause of all my health issues. Upon doing more research and observation regarding heavy metals, I was shocked to realize how many people have serious heavy metals toxicity—many women whom I never would have suspected. I now believe that everyone (certainly over the age of 50) should have periodic testing for heavy metals toxicity.

The worst part of the rash was a sweaty torso and heavy shedding of dead skin cells over the 2 1/2 to 3 months in January to March. As of the writing of this report in mid-April, my body temperature has stabilized and the sweating and shedding has stopped. My energy has improved dramatically; I do upper and lower body resistance exercises and elliptical training at a gym and have increased my strength dramatically—about 50% for each. I also walk several miles.

It will take probably a couple of more months for the nerves in my legs to fully re-generate. The neurologists in Vancouver said nerve regeneration would occur with one centimeter per week (ie. about one inch every 2 weeks). Based on their comment, nerve regeneration would still be above the knees; however, nerve regeneration started in my feet about one month ago!  It was a close call with considerable suffering but I am on the mend and will be better than I have been for a long time.

The Shallenberger team at ‘The Nevada Center for Alternative & Anti-Aging Medicine’ are cross trained and are professional and flexible; it’s a wonderful culture created by Judy and Dr. Shallenberger. I got to know all the staff quite well over the 4 1/2 months I was there and every member of the staff is grateful to be there and I am grateful for my health recovery.

Best wishes,

Bayne, Canada

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